Sunday, May 15, 2011

black ops map pack 2

black ops map pack 2. Black Ops Map Pack 2
  • Black Ops Map Pack 2

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 01:23 PM
    Where did you get that figure from? Cs-137 (one of the main long-lived dangerous compounds) has a half life of 30.1 years (

    He obviously pulled it from where the Sun don't shine.

    You responded, where I could not be bothered. Thanks. :)

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2 zoo.
  • lack ops map pack 2 zoo.

  • 4Runner2003
    Jun 18, 10:28 PM
    I'm in Atlanta and think I've only had 1 or 2 dropped calls in 3 years. AT&T and my iPhone and iPhone 3GS have been great. I am expecting the iPhone 4 to be even better,

    black ops map pack 2. Duty: Black Ops map pack,
  • Duty: Black Ops map pack,

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:04 PM
    I agree.

    I completely understand the idea that unlimited data should have to pay for tethering, although I think there should just be a cap prior to additional charges like verizon does.

    What I dont understand is how they think charging tiered data customers for tethering is fair.

    Agreed - and something I said several pages back...

    black ops map pack 2. Call of Duty Black Ops
  • Call of Duty Black Ops

  • Multimedia
    Sep 26, 12:49 PM
    Bottom line is that if you're not doing long-form processor-intensive stuff such as 2D/3D animation rendering, video encoding, mathematical/scientific analysis, running simulations, etc. then you probably won't get much benefit from more than two cores (you'll be better off with two cores running at faster clock speeds). But if you are, eight cores will be fantastic.Man are you out of touch with reality. I have a a 2GHz DC G5 PM and a 2.5GHz Quad PM and the DC PM is a DOG for even the simplest type of stuff. You obviously have ZERO experience with a Quad Mac or you would never have written such an absurd post.I would disagree with this: My Quad G5 destroys the Dual 2.7 in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, iMovie HD, etc. No contest. Both in single app use and especially multitasking.No kidding. Once you've gone Quad you will NEVER want to go back to less than 4 on the floor. :D

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2
  • lack ops map pack 2

  • archipellago
    May 2, 05:00 PM
    The Javascript exploit injected code into the Safari process to cause the download of a payload. That payload was the installer.

    The installer is marked as safe to auto-execute if "open safe files after downloading" is turned on.

    An installer is used to trick users to authenticate because the malware does not include privilege escalation via exploitation.

    If you had any technical knowledge you could have figured that out yourself via the Intego article.

    Installers being marked as safe really doesn't increase the likelihood of user level access as the Javascript exploit already provided user level access. I don't understand why you are hung up on this installer being able to auto-execute; it really makes no difference in terms of user level access. The attacker could have deleted your files with just the Javascript exploit.

    Webkit2 will prevent user level access via an exploit, such as a Javascript exploit.

    on the desktop/laptop side which browsers will use webkit2?

    Chrome and Safari?

    in which case its virtually pojntless (for the community) as the 2 biggest browsers won't have it...or will they have something similar??

    black ops map pack 2. duty lack ops map pack 2
  • duty lack ops map pack 2

  • peharri
    Sep 20, 11:58 AM
    That's pretty much my question too. The iTV is a mini without DVD, storage, OS, or advanced interface? I guess I just don't see a market for this at $300. Waste of time, unless I'm missing something.

    Well, it isn't "without storage", it has storage.

    It's fairly simple: it's a Set Top Box. It's another one, to add to your DVD player, cable box, and DVR. Well, I say "add to", but actually, you'll probably not need them. What is does is show whatever Quicktime will show that's accessable via iTunes.

    - That means anything on the iTunes Store
    - It means anything in your .Mac storage.
    - It means anything on your network, if you have one, that's exported via an iTunes Library.

    You'll go home after work, pick up the remote, and maybe you'll:

    - Buy a movie and watch it.
    - (Rent a movie and watch it, assuming Apple eventually supports the idea, or someone else finds a way to interface to it)
    - Watch a new episode of a TV show you subscribe to
    - Watch a free pilot of a show you're interested in.
    - Listen to a streamed radio station
    - Watch a subscribed-to video blog or browse other blogs, and watch them
    - Watch that highly amusing rip from "America's Funniest Videos" that your friend told you to watch, from Google Video, or other Google video clips.

    What will be available? Anything you want. As this becomes more and more popular, more and more content will become available. Expect CNN news to be just as available as episodes from ABC mini-serieses.

    How will you get it? Over your $25/month broadband connection. Which you'd have anyway for web and email.

    That's how you use it. For many people, cable, as a "just put on background noise and forget it" medium, will still rule. For others, such as myself, the prospect of TV built for me, rather than advertisers, is more compelling.

    I think it's awesome.

    black ops map pack 2. New Black Ops Map Pack
  • New Black Ops Map Pack

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 11:39 AM
    Why do they have to charge for tethering? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I tether a lot, I will use more than 2 gigs in a month. Charge me extra at that point. At least they now give you 2 Gig extra for your tethering money. I would just prefer to not pay for that extra 2 gig until I need it. I only need to tether once a month at best, so I don't want to pay for a bunch of tethering. I also don't want to leave my unlimited plan. Sadly, I have never gone over 2 GB, but I like knowing that I don't have to worry about it.
    Because it get's you off the unlimited GF plan then.

    If you go Data pro you must decline the unlimited GF ( the way i understand it)

    You see there is a reason for this two fold

    At&t hates unlimited Iphone users, they do

    if you have the 2gb plan and you go over you get 1gb more = 25 plus $10 = 35 and then go over to 3.1gb = 25 + 10 +10 = $45
    5gb would be $55. so they loose $25 a month from every unlimited who tethers up to 5gb

    20gb? would cost $205 a month right?

    The person who used 90gb a month? $25 plus $880 or $1005 in usage ( profit loss) to At&t

    You all yell contract contract, At&t yells profits profits profits.

    even if you pay for tethering and use 3.9gb a month
    its 45 vs 30 a month, do 15 x 50,000 theoretically thats a loss of 750,000 a month profit for At&t or 9,000,000 USD a year, I think capturing this would make my boss happy wouldn't it?

    black ops map pack 2. cod lack ops map pack 2 call
  • cod lack ops map pack 2 call

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 21, 09:09 AM
    Originally Posted by MH01 View Post
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    If your still under some illusion of how tech savy they are read through the macrumors forums...... and remeber they are the more tech savy ones!

    I have moved every family member over to mac who has no idea about computer, they are happy. The people I know who work in IT, develop and are really tech savy, still have a PC (and an android, some have both android and iphone)

    Oh yes, being elitist by proclaiming to be tech savvy.

    For starters the correct way to look at it is that Apple users don't HAVE to be tech savvy.

    It all works beautifully the way Apple created it, with almost no learning curve. Unpack your device from the box, hook it up and watch the magic unfold.

    I also don't see that I need a badge of being tech savvy. It's like me driving my car and not caring or needing to know how things work.
    Do I care about compression, valves, spark plug, clutch etc. ?

    I am also sure that there are an equal amount of dumb PC users as there are Apple users.

    Only thing we don't know is if the question:

    "My cup holder doesn't give my cup back"

    (She was talking about a CD drive tray being jammed)

    was from an Apple or PC user first:-)

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2 maps. map
  • lack ops map pack 2 maps. map

  • playaj82
    Jul 12, 03:20 PM
    I hope for it. But only think it might be a long shot BTO option because Blu-Ray recorders are close to $1,000 so far. Even the players are almost $1,000. So this seems like an option for next year.

    I also hope for a dual 5.25" external bay design.

    I agree that Apple will wait on the Blu-Ray drives. Apple did jump on the BR bandwagon to support the format, but without a standard, I doubt they will call off all other bets.

    Apple has a history of picking standardized I/O. Apple invented firewire (or at least licenses out the technology) and included it once it was approved by the IEEE. The same thing with their Airport technology. Once the 802.11 were decided upon, Apple released that product.

    This high-def disk stuff is still too limited in its everyday usefulness. Of course there are always early adopters and people that have to have it right away, but Apple's entire pro line jeopardized by the price constraints of including a $1000 BR drive, or even having to support it, doubtful.

    black ops map pack 2. duty lack ops map pack 2
  • duty lack ops map pack 2

  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 04:18 AM
    I want to be accepted as I am. But my heterosexuality is not who I am. It's not my identity. It's a property I have. If I became gay, the homosexuality wouldn't change me into someone else. I wouldn't become, say, Jussi Bjorling, my favorite singer. But if I did become gay, I would have a property I never had before.

    Huh? What in the world are you talking about? Dude, lay off the communion wine. ;) You're making no sense, seriously.

    On this very weird note, I'm going to bed. I've been up too late, but I played hockey earlier tonight and have a difficult time sleeping after, the brain just does not want to shut down, and I'm off all this week getting rid of carryover vacation.

    black ops map pack 2. cod lack ops map pack 2 call
  • cod lack ops map pack 2 call

  • skunk
    Mar 14, 07:30 PM
    How much power does it take to provide and maintain storage of the waste, and to mine the uranium? What impact does the operation of the plant have on the environment? What is the cost to humans and the environment when these plants fail as they have?I have been arguing that the ramifications of catastrophic failure of these plants, quite apart from any energy and pollution costs in building, keeping them running and decommissioning them, those ramifications alone serve to put nuclear power on a wholly different level. The equation has to be considered in its entirety. Taking the other costs into account makes it quite obvious that its just not worth it.

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2
  • lack ops map pack 2

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 08:37 PM
    With cooperation it may not be as difficult as many think:

    Superb. Replace one fuel reliance on the Middle East with another. Genius idea.

    black ops map pack 2. Black Ops is about to get a
  • Black Ops is about to get a

  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 9, 03:52 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Some us have lifestyles in which we are more than content with the entertainment selection on iOS devices-myself included. I don't have time, not desire to invest in playing games over long periods of time in a sedentary fashion. I play a game when want to clear my mind a bit, or kill time. I don't go invest huge amount of money and make that a goal, because frankly Id rather spend my time in a myriad of other ways. The vast majority of the population share my mindset. iOS devices not being 'HARDCORZ' enough is not going to hurt Apple. That market is shrinking, not expanding.

    black ops map pack 2. CoD Black Ops (Map Pack 2)
  • CoD Black Ops (Map Pack 2)

  • joeboy_45101
    Mar 19, 01:27 AM
    It's this kind of crap that's going to scare the record companies into demanding a higher price for songs sold online. They are at this time still sceptical about the whole online business as is. DVD Jon has proved his points, yes he is a good hacker and DRM is not bulletproof. But, I wish he would get it into his head that MOST people don't mind DRM on digital music if it is designed to be flexible enough so that it doesn't stand in the way of enjoyment.

    If there is one upside to this it is that this gives Apple a chance to prove it's skills in plugging up these holes. And maybe, that could give some comfort to the record companies in the security of online music stores. This whole situation would not be so big if the record companies did not exist, but they do and for now everybody has to deal with them like it or not. Sort of like Republicans, but that's something else altogether.

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • Salacion
    Apr 20, 06:57 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    No, it's not comparable to the iPhone.

    Interface: harsh colors, sharp geometrics, poor graphical enhancements, Windows-esque aesthetics.

    About that last one. There might be an Android app with identical functionality to an iPhone app, but it's how that functionality is presented to you that makes the difference. See, the App Store has quality control.

    black ops map pack 2. Next Black Ops Map Pack
  • Next Black Ops Map Pack

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 13, 12:47 PM
    More people have died in hydroelectric or coal generated power production. Nuclear is relatively safe and clean.

    ...but if a coal plant blows it's over soon, if a nuke plant blows it's over in 250 thousand years.

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2
  • lack ops map pack 2

  • bousozoku
    Aug 30, 07:19 AM
    It does concern me but I've yet to dispose of any equipment. Everything about our daily lives abounds with waste, doesn't it?

    I recycle whenever I can, but just because something has a recycling symbol doesn't mean that the company overseeing local recycling will accept it because they might not have the facilities to process it.

    My car obviously pollutes more than I like even though the catalytic converter has been replaced and using air conditioning (car or home) uses chemicals that also pollute.

    I don't trust Greenpeace any more than I trust our government. They're on opposite ends and neither cares about the truth. Either can be bought.

    Having seen videos of Greenpeace in operation, I wonder if their "operations" are environmentally-friendly, whether it be a simple protest or an attack on a whaling ship.

    After all this, Apple indeed need to get the lead out and clean up their act. Seeing as how the AirPort Extreme Basestation and iSight were recently removed from the EU shows that they have work to do.

    black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2 leaked.
  • lack ops map pack 2 leaked.

  • FightTheFuture
    Feb 26, 05:31 AM
    The thing is, do Apple care about being outpaced sales-wise? They may just be content to make their products smoother and sexier than the better Android phones and be the Mercedes.

    If they want to be in the sales race they need to get the 32MB iPhone free on �30 per month contract like other top-end smart phones, not �230 on a �35 per month contract. As Android and Maemo and tothers improve that massve Apple tax won't wash.

    They also need an iPhone nano to compete with the HTC hero type phones.the iPhone is getting outpaced in sales by Blackberry and symbian. nothing will change that. if android eats away at symbian sales, they'll definitely be ahead of the iPhone. but what's more important to Apple? selling 8 million iPhones a quarter? or selling the cheapest phone to everyone?

    i'm also wondering, do we think there will be a better android based phone than the nexus one? i'm not talking about adding more pixels or an incremental spec bump. where do they plan to go next? i don't know what apple plans for the 4th gen iPhone, but i doubt it'll just be the iPhone 3.0 + "features that Google has."

    black ops map pack 2. Duty: Black Ops map pack,
  • Duty: Black Ops map pack,

  • Mal
    Apr 5, 08:05 PM
    One off the top of my head is that everything costs money application wise, there is very little freeware.

    Actually, I have rarely been unable to find freeware, usually open source, that cannot more than meet my needs. That doesn't mean there isn't something paid that would have more polish and be easier to deal with, but there's certainly no lack of free software on the Mac.

    I guess I should clarify here that I'm not technically a switcher. Last time I used a PC for personal use was when I was about 8.


    Mar 15, 06:25 AM
    I've largely given up on these threads and arguing about my field with people outside my field, but my god awmazz you need to just stop posting haven't once had a clue what you are talking about. Sorry, but it's the truth.

    All the fission stopped almost 72 hours ago.

    Curious. You are suggesting that the control rods are fully seated (we would hope), absorbing the entire natural neutron flux, thus completely dampening the fission process (apart from the normal spontaneous fission of the 235 in the fuel pellets). Yet, the cores are still producing significant heat, sea water is being pumped over them to cool them, a real danger appears to exist. Where is that heat coming from, why, if the fission process has been choked off, are they not simply losing heat (cooling down like a big hunk of metal)? What are we missing?

    Oct 7, 12:12 PM
    Gartner tries to shape the future of technology with their reports. They are not trying to predict anything. Managers look at these reports and shape their strategy based on them. I have been at companies that "listened" to Gartner to help shape their direction. Sad, but true.

    Oct 7, 10:47 AM
    I realize that Android is supposed to be awesome, and it is fairly nice having programmed for it in the past. But the openness to which they refer in the article is really a fault in this case and not a benefit.

    For example, every phone manufacturer is going to have their own set of features. Some may have cameras, vibration, video playback, etc. With the iPhone, you know exactly what is there and what the device you're targeting can do. You can build better applications to utilize the specific hardware.

    Apple takes some heat for having vendor lock-in, but it allows them to release beautiful hardware that just works whether it's phones or computers. It's not Windows code that gives BSODs but third-party drivers most of the time.

    Android may end up taking some market share, but I doubt that it will beat the iPhone or Blackberry.

    Oct 9, 12:56 PM
    Macs have again taken the lead in my opinion with OS X and the Dual 1.25.

    No one will ever change my mind. Call me a zealot, but that is what I think.

    I am in a critical thinking class, and we spend 3 hrs a day, 2 times a week talking about people who rationalize like BackToTheMac. "No one will ever change my mind"
    That is complete suppression of all the facts that are given to you. I think its a shame that you logically in your mind come to these conclusions. I bet you think Friday the 13th is dangerous, and you have lucky numbers huh :)

    Apr 9, 06:23 PM
    iOS needs big games. I hope having these guys in PR can help persuade big studios to give iOS better support. I mean treating it as a legitimate platform for premium content not just cut down stuff.

    As others have said.. An official add-on with buttons and analogue sticks would be really interesting. That single simple gadget would be a blow to the NGP & 3DS. Ideally it'd have a separate battery in to make long gaming sessions more viable. Mmmm.

    Touch can't totally replace tactile controls, even if it's great for some genres there are others where it falls flat, and I'd like those genres to be represented properly on iOS. If Apple really want to attack the 'hardcore' gaming portables it'd make sense.

    Obviously they can continue on the touch/gyro only path they're on now but it's still limiting the game developers.

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