Sunday, May 15, 2011

megan fox transformers 3

megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox In Transformers
  • Megan Fox In Transformers

  • okboy
    Apr 8, 11:21 PM
    Not really impressed by the whole push into gaming-- gaming is what I use my iPT and iPad for the least. In fact, Game Center is in a folder marked "Undeletable Crap" on both devices, along with address book, FaceTime, calendar, and stocks (on the iPT). Really wish Apple allowed you to delete whatever you wanted-- but of course they know what I want better than I do.

    Oh boo hoo, someone get this guy a tissue. How can it bother you that there is some game executive somewhere inside Apple HQ?

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox, Transformers 3
  • Megan Fox, Transformers 3

  • Red-red
    Apr 9, 08:26 PM
    Sorry I have such a small brain.

    I never said you had a small brain at any point nor did I ever insinuate you were stupid.

    Not understanding something doesn't make anyone stupid.

    Apple really messed up hiring those 2 guys with years of experience working in the gaming industry. They could have just hired you. A person who has all the answers and can see the future.

    They've hired two people who work in PR. Probably for their contacts and influence. Their hiring has little to do with Apple's direction into gaming.

    They're already well established and have their direction planned out. All you need to do is connect the dots to see where they're heading.

    In all seriousness. I am a gamer and a consumer, and if Apple wants to make gaming a MORE serious part of there business, then I want a controller with buttons and a console or someway to stream off of the Internet.

    You're not getting a controller with buttons. It isn't happening.

    You have to look at it not by what "you" want "now". It's typical of tech forums because people find it very hard to distinguish between the two.

    Is it what I want? I'm not so sure. It's an interesting concept and the potential is certainly huge not only for gaming but app's.

    Whether we'll see fully fledged games like we're used to or it'll continue to be a foray into the casual is something else that we don't really know yet. It's up to developers to create the apps & games to drive the platform and ecosystem forward but the potential would certainly be there and as we see more and more people shift toward these devices the desire for more complex forms of entertainment will increase.

    We've only scratched the surface.

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox in Transformers
  • Megan Fox in Transformers

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 29, 01:41 AM
    Those days of "needing to run Windows" for work are behind us.

    Not in many cases, but I'm glad it works for you.

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox on “Transformers
  • Megan Fox on “Transformers

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 03:07 PM
    I'd love to hear of every day miracles, but my guess is we may disagree when it comes to the interpretation of such happenings. To reinforce, I do sense something I would describe as "spiritual", but I don't have enough info to address those feelings or assign responsibility for their existence. What is important for perspective is that I am not distressed to wait for the answer. :)

    I'll answer the rest of Huntn's post when I can do that. But I have work to do first.

    Miraculous cure in Lourdes, France?

    Eucharistie miracles?

    In the Vatican

    In Lanciano, Italy.

    megan fox transformers 3. megan fox transformers
  • megan fox transformers

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 27, 05:26 PM
    But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field.

    Sorry, but that's not how it works.

    You expressed approval for his findings, you were the one who explicitly made him a topic of conversation. I and Gelfin asked you, based precisely on what, knowing full well the disreputable reputation he and his organisation has and the damage that he has done to many people... every major professional organisation in the behavioural sciences disagrees with him. Pointing out the core belief behind his philosophy, you seemed ignorant of it, yet somehow approved of his findings.

    No-one in this conversation is a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist, so they have to lean on reputable sources. The Surgeon General of the United States is just one example of a medically and scientifically reliable voice. And somehow, that's not good enough? Well, there's more:

    No major mental health professional organization has sanctioned efforts to change sexual orientation and most of them have adopted policy statements cautioning the profession and the public about treatments that purport to change sexual orientation. These include the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Association of Social Workers in the USA, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and the Australian Psychological Society. s_on_sexual_orientation_change_efforts

    Why don't you tell us precisely why all these organisations are wrong and why NARTH and their ilk are right, since you claim to understand and agree with their findings?

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox Picture
  • Megan Fox Picture

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 28, 09:26 AM
    Agree. Too bad the iMac never took off in the enterprise sector. I remember when I was going to the university in the 90's I saw plenty of macs all around campus. Now the times I've gone all I see are Dell's, and HP's.

    The iMacs are taking off the issue has always been support. Apple gives terrible enterprise support and fake roadmaps. It makes it very difficult to justify buying a machine that costs twice as much and comes with zero support.

    Doesn't matter to me though I still order them for my clients like crazy.

    megan fox transformers 3. Transformers 3, megan fox
  • Transformers 3, megan fox

  • goobot
    Apr 20, 06:08 PM
    did anyone ask anything about hspa+?

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox shuns Transformers 3
  • Megan Fox shuns Transformers 3

  • awmazz
    Mar 15, 10:59 AM
    I don't think you understand

    What the hell are you talking about? You don't even make any sense.

    Do you have the slightest inkling..? Do you have an inkling ..?

    Do you think the reactor is a jar of cookies?

    Any idea?

    you think 9/11 was a hoax too, right?

    Might need an extra layer of tinfoil on that hat of yours.

    who would try to build a lousy wall to combat that?

    Are you sure they weren't mistaking a levy for a "tsunami wall"?

    You're really being out of line.

    No, of course he didn't. If he tried to, he surely didn't understand it.

    I think you're a very paranoid individual

    I'm guessing you also don't understand

    I haven't seen you try to take down any of the nuclear experts posted, or address a single bit of science

    I don't even know why I waste my time.

    I know exactly why you waste your time. Because it makes you feel intellectually superior.

    Like I said. You may know atomics. I know people. :cool:

    megan fox transformers 3. of Transformers 3. megan
  • of Transformers 3. megan

  • Chris here
    Sep 29, 07:23 AM

    Oh. Great. Cool answer.

    megan fox transformers 3. megan fox transformers 3
  • megan fox transformers 3

  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 5, 07:12 PM
    Hmm? I'm not really sure what this means. Can you explain?

    Wow. I could see this being a pain in the butt when we're used to just clicking on 'Close Window' and we're done.

    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

    One can delete icons by dragging and dropping them onto the desktop from another app or the dock. However, they are not permanently deleted from your hard drive. It sounds strange at first, but it is pretty cool once you get use to seeing the icon mystified, saying it is thrash. :eek: Both Windows and Mac thrash icons are waste paper baskets. :)

    There are videos on Apple's web-site titled something like "switching from Windows to Mac 101 or the switch basics." I do not remember the exact title, but mine are close. These tutorials will be helpful! Check them out! Also, you can drag items such as photos and video directly onto the desktop with the mouse.

    As far as regretting the "switch," no way! :) OS X is easy to use and the 'finder' is pretty much idiot proof! While using Windows, I struggle to find simply things like documents and system files, because you have to add exc and other computer jargon to find what you are looking for. Point being: using the finder incorporated into Mac OS X to hunt down documents and system files is easy. Plus you can search specific aspects of the hard drive. Like the entire hard drive, your music library, applications, a.k.a. apps (which are programs in Windows land,) or your documents. Each are separate folders to conduct a search for 'X' file, app, or song.

    I am not bashing Windows though! This must be noted, because I am not a wiz with any operating system. Each OS has its pros and cons and I am unfairly pointing out the cons of Windows, because that is your request. I like to use computers, as I am a button pusher, but I do not how they tic. :D

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox
  • Megan Fox

  • MorphingDragon
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    Yes, we can also say its completely useless. Can you say that?

    XP Antimalware 2011 doesn't count either ;)

    megan fox transformers 3. Transformers 3: Megan Fox
  • Transformers 3: Megan Fox

  • ATG
    Nov 1, 03:46 PM
    The problem is that Appkit isn't thread safe, and until it is you aren't going to see much on the multithreading side. It's fine for a renderer but for your run of the mill GUI app like keynote or pages or iLife there isn't much point.

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox at a photocall for
  • Megan Fox at a photocall for

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:21 AM
    Kind of like Anti-Obama = Racist.

    Yep. As Liberal as I like to take my rantings some times...I absolutely agree with what you folks are saying. You can be a Tea Party Republican White NRA member Evangelical Christian...and be an amazingly wonderful and loving person. I know too many to cite. Disagreeing is not hatred.

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox prepping for
  • Megan Fox prepping for

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 12, 11:11 AM
    Did you just get the 2007 model? If so how do you like it? Can't you lobby sales to give you the credit? You bought while the coupon was in effect - just overlooked it. It's another $96 off man. Worth asking about. Get one first then call sales.

    The one I ordered the other day shipped yesterday and I'm expecting delivery on monday. I requested the forum coupon and will see if they will credit me. But I don't know. i'm not planning on going through the brain damage of ordering another monitor with the coupon and sending one back just to save ~$100.

    I currently have a 30" Dell that I bought last year when Dell first introduced them. I love the thing... My only gripe is 1 stuck pixel, but Dell requires like 7 or more to replace and I didn't swap the monitor within my 30-day window because the pixel didn't show up until after nearly 3 months. :(

    I have an Apple 30" on my other G5 quad and I've never had the two side by side, but I think I like the Dell one better. I use a Gefen 4x1 DVI-DL switcher and have the G5 and two PC systems connected to the Dell with an extra cable for my MBP or whatnot if I want to connect that. I ordered the second 30" because I'm going to expand my desktop to dual 30" displays. :D I had to order another Gefen switcher for the second monitor too since the G5 and one of my PC boxes both support dual-link DVI out of both DVI ports as will the Mac Pro I'm planning to buy in the near future.

    megan fox transformers 3. megan fox 1 2
  • megan fox 1 2

  • bretm
    Sep 20, 11:23 AM
    I was going to ask why not a PRV, but realized it myself. While apple does not prevent you from loading music you have aquired through other means onto your iPod, they don't help you either. They don't help you buy CD's because its too broad an experience to simplfy. Same with the PVR. How a customer aquires content from a provider varies too much for apple to engineer an simple solution. But they can provide their own simple content delivery solution.

    Next, they need to provide an NAS for all your media either from the store, ripped from disc or created yourself. Move the media off the computer.

    ?? TiVo will provide you a PVR that burns DVDs, has a tuner and hard drive, and wirelessly connects to your macintosh and plays your photo library and itunes for $300 plus you have to buy a usb network reciever for like $25.

    So it's basically the same thing except for the videos which of course didn't exist when tivo adopted the technology, and since they'll play your photos they'll probalby adopt the videos too. I think I'll just hold out for my TiVo to do the same thing PLUS be a PVR and DVD burner.

    megan fox transformers 3. megan fox transformers 2 jpg
  • megan fox transformers 2 jpg

  • UnixMac
    Oct 8, 10:01 PM
    - but Apple is notorious for its very high margins. Whatever you pay more for, it's definitely not the hardware, because most (all?) Macs are made in the same massive Asian factories as the big PC manufacturers' are anyway.


    This was exactly my point when I called Apple. I mean, we have lower tech everything, bus, RAM, Hard drives, Graphics cars, where is the money going?

    I'll tell you where, Apple and Dell are the only two hardware makers to post profits in the worst economy since 1980. The stock market is down 30% and Apple stock has not kept pace.

    Also, Abercombieboy, go back to page two of this thread, and re-read my Hitler analogy, this is not about bashing Apple. I am a mac guy, it's about calling a spade a spade.

    megan fox transformers 3. Megan Fox in Transformers
  • Megan Fox in Transformers

  • Speedy2
    Oct 7, 11:38 AM
    Erm.. you're being closed minded.

    megan fox transformers 3. Transformers 3 Megan Fox
  • Transformers 3 Megan Fox

  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 12, 10:16 PM
    Might be great down the road, but something tells me my FCP7 will be plenty useful for at least the next couple years.

    megan fox transformers 3. Transformers 3 Megan Fox
  • Transformers 3 Megan Fox

  • dragonsbane
    Mar 21, 08:06 AM
    My world holds together quite well when people disagree, actually. Better than yours must, especially since history has proven my argument and disproven your morally relativistic approach. That society exists is a testament to you being wrong.
    Ho ho, the fact that this program and discussion exist proves the fallacy of your argument. People will always T-H-I-N-K for themselves and make their own minds up about what is moral. That is all I ever said. That is all we are doing here - thinking. You are putting forward the argument that BECAUSE there is a law being broken it is wrong to break it. While I may agree with you on this particular case (I don't), my argument is simply that laws being broken do not define morality. If you would stop winding yourself up I do not think you would disagree with this.

    Furthermore, if you lose the argument that breaking a law does not make you, by definition, immoral, then it follows quite easily that folks who want to use this app should and those that don't, should not - on moral grounds alone.

    Everyone (except the rich and powerful) is bound by the same laws - there is no disputing that. So if you, or anyone else wants to kill me or break a copyright, you are subject to the laws of the land. I will always support your desire to reason what you will do out for yourself. Follow the laws if you WANT to. But do not follow them just because they are the law.

    Can you really disagree with my desire to live my life that way? You yourself said that you speed. How is using this app any different from you deciding to speed or not. Are you going to teach your child that speeding is immoral?

    Jul 12, 10:11 AM
    I'm wondering what the specifics about dropped calls in New York City would look like.
    On average I get about 3-4 dropped calls every day. Every. Single. Day.

    Why do you stay with ATT?

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 08:46 PM
    Of course it did. I think at one point or another all of us experienced some type of emotional pain where our sexuality is concerned. Who wants to be different? Or preached to? Or told by people like you that we may have some type of mental health issue? Or be discriminated against? It's scary and painful.

    I can only imagine what the people you know felt conflicted about. I hope that they can find themselves in a place where they will be accepted for what they are, and not what those around them think they should be. Am I wrong to think that if you know these people, their homosexuality wasn't readily accepted by those around them? Of course they would be conflicted. Nobody wants to be hated.[/quote]

    I'm sure many rejected my two friends because of their homosexuality. If anyone has deliberately caused them any pain because of their homosexuality, the guilty one should make amends for the harm he did. If anyone attacks my friends verbally when I'm with them, I'll be the first to defend them, too.

    MH, please try to give others the benefit of the doubt when they seem to hate you. I can imagine the pain a same-sex-attracted person may feel when a Christians say, "Hate the sin, and love the sinner." Some might think, "Oh no, what will these people do because they 'hate the sin?' Will they keep telling me that I'll go to hell? Maybe they'll beat me up to punish me for my 'sin?'" The pain and the fear must be horrible."

    I can hardly tell you how much emotional pain I felt after what some people did to me verbally and physically. I know how it feels when others assume that, since I'm handicapped, I'm mentally retarded, too. I've been in restaurants, where waitresses asked my dinner companion what I wanted because they thought I couldn't order my own food. I even think a male acquaintance of mine sexually abused me when I was a teen.

    Emotional pain is nothing new to me. In 1991, when my clinical depression was severest, I almost committed suicide. I don't even pretend to know what emotional agony you feel or felt. But I do know how a felt when I planned to poison myself.

    I don't hate you. I'd be honored to be your friend. But if you think I do hate you, I hope you'll change your mind.

    I guess with enough "therapy" we would be able to persuade you to become a homosexual?
    From what I know about repairative therapy, persuasion doesn't change anyone's sexual orientation.

    Sep 12, 07:43 PM
    What do you think? Is this going to be part of a component system which may included a Blue-Ray, DVD, Mini...system stackable and user configurable?

    Sep 12, 04:37 PM
    It needs DVR recording for this price point. As someone else mentioned earlier, I can use a $5 cable to connect my computer to my TV. It need something else that will make me want to spend the extra $244 on it. Either that, or apple needs to stop touting the iMac as a media PC because the TV will compete with it.

    maybe if it came with a calculator

    Apr 13, 06:12 AM
    Yeah, I don't know about one click CC either. Color me skeptical. Although a lot of color adjustments are just minor, so theoretically, it could do a decent job.

    Anyone doing complicated color work is going to need a dedicated app anyway. I don't think it's realistic to assume FCPX will ever be able to do this.

    I really don't think Apple is doing away with Motion or Color. FCP has had Motion funtionality built in for some time, now it will have Color functionality built in. There is still a need for the stand alone apps for the less simple things.

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